Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wao...just realise that it's been almost 2 months since i logged in to my blog, not to mention about updating it~

Life really is busy since Uni started....
assignments waiting to due

Life in Uni, trust me, it sucks!
It wasn't really a smooth sail
I still really feel stressed when i'm in my hostel
the urge of crying~
to a person who rarely cries, like me
it really is something bad..........

Has REALLY been ADDICTED to BIGBANG, 2NE1, 2AM & 2PM lately......
well not just K-pop
but also top youtube sensations like WONGFU PRODUCTIONS, RYAN HIGA, D-TRIX, VICTORKIM & KEVIN WU

i also tried to be best friends with my text book, but......oh well they just seem to work better than sleeping pills......

i suppose this is all i gotta say for now coz i still have a website to post......soon~

~.~.~.~.~. e.N.d .~.~.~.~.~

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm Back? i guess?~

well, it's been quite a long time since i last logged in~
been too busy lately, 24 hrs a day isn't enough!
it's been almost a month now since i started life in uni =)
things are going well, new friends, new experience, new life....
there are rough times here n there but the overall is still fine~
i am still alive anyway!
exam will be in the next 2 weeks,
still not done with col activities,
still not studying,
but anyways,
still gotta survive through this tough journey right?
the right amount of pressure will produce the finest n most precious diamond i believe,
or in chinese 玉不啄,不成器.

life on campus isnt as hard as expected tho,
coz the facilities in my college is great!
we've got a gym, a karaoke room, a jamming room, bicycles for rent, a kiosk right below my room, a whole room to myself, enough bathing cubicles that cut of the hassle in the morning =) most importantly, i've made a bunch new friends,
well best friends doent have to be from the same race right?
we sleep together, eat together, go to class together, tease each n other everyday just for fun, they brought me to the medical center, bought me lunch n dinner when i wasn't feeling well
just to prove that real friendship is colour blind

i really hope that our friendship will stay n last throughout these 4 yrs n forever more =)

signing out~
needs take a nap~
even though it's already 7.40 in the evening
but yeah~

~.~.~.~.~ E.n.D ~.~.~.~.~

Monday, July 4, 2011


  • 难过了不要告诉别人,因为别人不在乎

  • 难过了,不要告诉别人,别人永远都不可能明白在你的立场上的感受。

  • 难过了,静静的蹲下来抱着自己,让眼泪尽情的洒落,

  • 难过了,拿着镜子看看此刻的自己,让真实浮现眼前。

  • 难过了,默默的将自己隐藏起来,让空虚掩盖一切 难过了,闭眼倾听周围的声音,让自己沉浸在喧嚣中。

  • 难过了,不必告诉别人,自己的悲伤为何要别人也承担呢

  • 难过了,可以假装快乐,和别人一起兴奋时就能遗忘了自己

  • 难过了,仍然安慰别的伤心者,你会发现自己也在受益,当局者迷而已 ,

  • 难过了,听音乐,就让音乐把它带走.

  • 有谁不曾难过

  • 有谁还会记得过去的不再从来又何必去苦想忘掉…

  • 用微笑渲泄悲伤自己的伤悲除了自己别人永远体会不到,

  • 心里的烦恼自己压下去,好好对自己,

  • 来到这个世界不容易,让自己洒脱一点,

  • 哪怕是假装的,也要伪装成快乐的那一个..........
  • Monday, June 27, 2011


    yes i feel the same~
    and yes it hurts~

    *supports YG entertainment!

    please dont let anything happen to you! all the best smiling angel! we'll wait for you!

    Friday, May 20, 2011


    can we escape from this word of reality just for a moment~
    i cant stop thinking of beach holidays,
    since i already have my new beach body,

    all i need now are new beach gears,
    what i need are :
    a new pair of bikini,
    a new pair of
    goggles(or maybe not),
    a new pair of flops,
    a new water proof mascara,
    a new water proof eyeliner,
    and i'm set to go.

    but the problem is,
    everyone's busy and so am i,
    it's quite difficult to match up everybody's time :/
    which is quite sad to say.

    i wanna sit on the beach like that, listening to nothing but the waves

    i wanna release them balloons & hallucinate that i'm one of them

    i wanna see the sun rise and fall

    i wanna share those secrets to the stars

    i wanna take pictures till the cam shouts at me to stop

    i want this trip to come true
    before i start the torturous journey of studies all over again~
    mercy please
    i need an escape!

    Saturday, May 14, 2011


    on the bright side
    i get to go to clubs just like that =)

    Saturday, May 7, 2011


    u have got to fall in love with him!

    can't believe my sister got me into this k-pop thingy
    well the only boy band i would support is them =)
    i mean maybe even from the entire j/k-pop industry~

    2nd fav

    this 1 really chili api la
    short but damn cute
    talented & hot!

    hell yeah they should be back!

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    sometimes i just simply enjoy reading to run away from reality

    and to let those imagination come to life and take the shit in reality away

    but reality has to be this cruel by hitting you harder when u try to run away from it

    there is no such thing as a oh-so-perfectly-romantically-charmingly-lovingly-fairytalelike-significant other....

    slap your self please..erm i mean slap me please

    wake me up if i'm dreaming

    bring me back to this cruel real world

    oh wait...the time is 0013

    i am suppose to go to slumber land

    hold it n dont wack me yet

    i'll read one more chapter and then go to bed =)

    *~*~*~ SiGnInG OfF ~*~*~*

    I'M BACK?

    LOL, now a days i just feel too tired to stay online for long.
    I have to drag myself out of bed to shower to get dressed to put on make up to put on shoes to get in to the car to get out of the car TO GET TO WORK~

    Finally i realize that i have a blog
    and i've left it hanging for ages

    I sometimes feel that u actually care for me, telling me to sleep early, telling me good night& sweet dreams with a heart sign, telling me good morning with a smilley face, telling me to bath, telling me i stink, telling me to eat. But most of the time i feel that u're treating me so cold. The feeling of winter lasts longer and more than the feeling of summer. And yes i hug that furry ugly bear u gave to me for christmas to sleep coz it feel warm =')

    I actually feel comfortable when i was completely resting on your arm, literally hugging it that day & how you kept me warm just leaning on your arm having to realize that u didnt mind and how close your face was to mine when we talked.

    Deep down somewhere, maybe not there or there either but somewhere you really care for me.
    Maybe i've never imagining me liking someone your type but honestly i kinda do, yet i still dont know why & how or since when.

    And yes this is for u <3